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To Measure Is to Master: My Top 3 Brand Health Metrics
“We really do need to strengthen our brand,” says one senior leader. The room instantly fills with affirmative murmurings.
“Mmm,” “yep,” “definitely,” “sure do”.
The hum subsides. “Right, next agenda item”. Meeting ends. Brand-related actions — nil.
It’s true — you do need to strengthen your brand. But, for many businesses, the chronic reluctance to act stems from a widely accepted belief that it’s just too hard to know whether brand building activities are actually working.
Perfectly reasonable were that actually the case. But it isn’t.
The necessary solution for understanding and building your brand’s position in the market is regular brand health tracking. Without this, you will indeed have no idea whether your brand marketing is having the desired effect.
There are an abundance of metrics you can use for brand health tracking, all of which have their respective merits. But it’s advisable to start with an essential few and add as required.
Here are my top three brand health metrics to get you going.
Brand Awareness
First port of call. Does your target audience know your brand exists?